Humanitarian and Compassionate Grounds

Humanitarian and Compassionate program is for people within Canada who do not have legal status in Canada but who have still made Canada their home. You may be able to qualify for an H & C and obtain Canadian permanent residence status by the assessment of certain factors like: -

  • A risk to life caused by the inability of their home country to provide adequate medical or health care.
  • An adverse effect on the best interests of a child (BIOC) directly affected by the removal (the child must be under 18 years of age).
  • How settled the person is in Canada.
  • General family ties to Canada.
  • Other requirements:

  • Should be a foreign national currently living in Canada.
  • Need an exemption from one or more requirements of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA).
  • Believe humanitarian and compassionate considerations justify granting the exemption(s) you need; and are not eligible to apply for permanent residence from within Canada in any of these classes:
  • Spouse or Common-Law Partner.
  • Live-in Caregiver.
  • Caregivers: caring for children or people with high medical needs.
  • Protected Person and Convention Refugees.
  • Temporary Resident Permit Holder